Saturday, July 11, 2015

Oneshot: One-Night Stand

“You do realize that you suck at one-night stands right?” Drake looked over at the beauty in his bed.

“If I remember correctly, you were the one who called me.” Nicki let out a giggle and he thought it was adorable. “We’ve been doing this for a month now. What is this Aubrey?”

“A booty call,” he joked and she playfully hit him. “I’on know what this is exactly but I like it. Maybe I should actually take you on a date,” he offered.

 “You tried that before but we both know where that went.” She motioned to their naked bodies underneath the covers. He moved and pulled her close.

“You’re just so tempting. I swear you don’t even know how sexy you are.” His lips attached to her neck and he bit down slightly with his teeth.

“And I told you that I have to go into work early,” she moaned while trying to push him off.

“Five more minutes,” he mumbled against her skin.

“I’m already behind schedule. I promise that I’ll call you after work. Maybe you can actually let us go somewhere other than your bed.” He finally let her go and she started getting dressed.

“You’ve been here so much that you’ve started to leave shit here.” Nicki looked around his room and noticed some of her stuff. She didn’t even realize that she left things at his house.

“Do you mind?” She eyed him.

“I don’t mind at all. It just gives me more of an excuse to see you again.” He stood and pulled her into his arms. “Call me later.” He kissed her. He was about to pull away but she gripped his shirt and kissed him back softly.

“Promise,” she whispered before strutting out the door. Drake looked down at his phone and realized that he was late for something too. Nicki rushed into her dorm and saw her roommate sitting on the couch. “I know I’m late.” She darted to the shower and then got dressed.

“He’s gonna make you fail college.” Ceana placed an amused smile on her face.

“I tried to leave as fast as I could,” Nicki huffed. She looked in the mirror and let her hair down to cover the hickies on her neck.

“You could just tell him that you need to go to class,” she suggested but quickly stopped talking when Nicki shot her a death glare.

“He doesn’t need to know that,” she spoke in a harsh tone.

“You’re gonna get caught eventually. I don’t see why you didn’t tell him in the first place. What’s the worst that could happen?” The worst that could happen?

“He’s twenty six Cee. What twenty six year old would want to be with a twenty one year old college student? He’s the CEO of his own company.” Nicki shook her head.

“There wouldn’t have been a problem if you were honest. I wouldn’t be telling you this if this was a one-night stand. You’re beyond that at this point and we both know where this is leading. Someone’s going to end up hurt and it’s most likely gonna be you. You’re my cousin and I’m just looking out for you. You should probably head to class though.” Ceana glanced over at the clock. Nicki’s eyes widen and she flew out the door. She slipped into class five minutes late and her professor gave her a stern look.

“Sorry,” she mouthed and went to the back. He motioned for her to see him after class and she sighed. After a long boring class period, the suffering was finally over. She walked up to the desk and he looked at her disappointedly.

“Onika you know better.”

“I’m sorry but I overslept and you know how that is for me,” she pouted knowing it would work on him.

“I won’t tell your mother this time but start showing more of an effort Onika. We’re not paying for college just so you can slack off,” Robert told his daughter.

“Thank you Dad. I promise that this won’t happen again,” she assured him before giving him a hug. She went to her other classes and was relieved when the day was finally over. She pulled her phone out and hit call. “I promised I would call you.”


“Beg for it.” He leaned over her and she glared at him.

“Come on Drake,” she groaned. She was just about to reach her climax and he decided to be an asshole.

“You were talking shit earlier. I wanna hear you beg for it.” He locked his eyes with hers. He could get lost in her eyes for days.

“Please baby I wanna feel you,” she pleaded. He let out a smile and slowly slipped into her. They both let out sighs of relief as he started moving in and out. “Faster,” she whispered. He sped up and she threw her head back.

“You like that baby?” He sped up even more.

“Yes.” He knew exactly how to give it to her. Over the last month, he learned her body and she learned his. She bit her lip and stared at him as he continued.

“Fuck don’t look at me like that.” He slammed into her.

“Shit Aubrey,” she moaned.

“You bout to cum baby?” Nicki couldn’t find the words to speak so she nodded her head. “I wanna hear you say it.” He slowed down and if looks could kill then he would be dead.

“Don’t fuck around Aubrey.” She hated when he did this. He pulled back and slammed into her again. “Shit.” She closed her eyes.

“You bout to cum?” He questioned once again.

“Yes,” she said in a breathy voice. “Cum with me.” She opened her eyes and looked at him in pure desire. He tried to hold out but she knew exactly what that look did to him. She felt herself let go and he came right with her.

“Damn.” He laid next to her. Nicki glanced over at the clock and saw that it was one in the morning.

“How long have we been at it?” She sat up.

“I stopped counting after round four.” She knew she had to be in class at seven and she had to finish her homework.

“I have to go.” She frowned slightly.

“You’re getting better at this one-night stand routine,” he chuckled.

“I have to get up early and we both know that I won’t get any sleep if I stay with you.” She gave him a knowing look.

“Alright but I expect your ass in my bed when I get home from work,” he ordered and she playfully rolled her eyes.

“Yes Daddy.” She had a seductive voice as she pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth.

“I’m about to take your ass again if you don’t stop,” he threatened. She giggled and got up to get dressed.

“I’ll see you later.” She pecked his lips and went home.


“Shit.” Nicki looked at her clock and hopped up to get ready. She rushed in the kitchen and grabbed an apple.

“Nic there’s something you should know,” Ceana tried to warn her.

“I have to get to class. Tell me later.” She left quickly. She made it to class with one minute to spare. Her father eyed her but didn’t say anything.

“Alright class today we have a guest speaker. He’s the founder of OVO Sound and he’s here to speak to you all. He’ll tell you what he did after college and etcetera,” he said. Nicki tapped her fingernails against her desk as she stared off into space.

“Drake Graham.” Her head snapped towards the door and Aubrey walked in. Her eyes got wide and she froze for a minute before bowing her head. Her hair was hiding a portion of her face and she hoped that was enough. She felt her leg shake as he talked. She wasn’t listening to what he was saying because she more focused on hiding from him. The class finally ended and she was about to dart out of the door until her father called her name.

“Onika, can you stay behind for a minute?” He questioned. Drake’s head looked up and he locked his eyes with hers. He felt his jaw clench as she walked down to the front. Just when he thought it couldn’t get worse, she said “Yes Dad?” The fact that she was his daughter made everything ten times worse.

“Drake this is my daughter Onika. She’s a senior this year and she’s going down the same music path you went down. I was hoping maybe you can talk to her about some plans after college.” Robert was oblivious to the tension in the room.

“I’d love to help Onika,” he said in a tight voice.

“You should come over to my house for dinner on Sunday. Onika and her cousin always comes over for Sunday dinners. You should bring Zelia,” he offered. Drake knew it would be rude to decline so he accepted.

“That sounds like a plan.” He shot him a smile before leaving the room. He waited until Nicki walked out to grab her arm and pull her into an empty room. She couldn’t lock her eyes with him because she knew he was angry. “You’re in college!?  You’ve been lying to me this whole time!?” He lowered his eyebrows.

“I didn’t lie to you Aubrey. You never asked so I never told you. I consider school a type of work so I called it that,” she shrugged.

“How old are you?” He couldn’t believe that he forgot to ask that question. He was so wrapped up in her that he figured that she was old enough.

“Twenty one,” she sighed.

“You’re twenty one years old? Why the fuck didn’t you tell me!?” He snapped.

“Because I knew you would act like this! My age never came up because I never acted my age. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I was in college.” He wanted to be mad at her but it’s not like he was completely honest with her either.

“I just need some time to process this.”

“Who’s Zelia?” She was wondering that since her dad said it. Did he have a girl or something?

“You’ll find out Sunday,” was all he said before walking off.


Nicki’s stomach has been in knots all night as the dinner approached. “I was gonna give you a heads up. Your dad called me and told me to make sure you didn’t miss that class,” Ceana said as she ate a spoonful of ice cream.

“You should’ve yelled at me or something. Now I’m gonna have to sit through this awkward ass dinner.” Nicki grabbed a spoon and ate the ice cream with her.

“You girls know better! No desert before dinner,” Nicki’s mom grabbed it from them.

“But Mom,” she whined.

“Go get the door.” She pointed to it. Nicki took a deep breath as she advanced towards the door. She pulled it the door open and was greeted by Drake. 

“Hey,” she said softly.

“Hey.” He had this guilty look on his face and Nicki couldn’t figure out why. She heard something and looked behind him. A woman walked up and she smiled at her.

“Hello.” She gave Nicki a polite smile.


“Nicki this is my wife, Zelia,” he introduced the two. All the wind was knocked out of Nicki as she stared at Drake in shock.

“Oh great you two made it!” Her father walked up behind her. Nicki turned and walked back into the kitchen. She grabbed Ceana’s arm and walked away from everyone.

“What’s wrong and who’s the chick?” She eyed the girl.

“That’s his wife,” she spoke through clenched teeth.

“He has a wife? What the hell?” Nicki was annoyed by his wife all throughout dinner. She just went on about how many places she’s been and apparently she’s a model. She felt someone kick her and she looked up. Drake looked at her with pleading eyes but she just cut her eyes at him and looked somewhere else.

“How’s college Onika?” Her mother asked.


“Are you okay?” Robert looked at his daughter with worry.

“I’m just not feeling well. I hate to cut this dinner short but I really should get back.” She stood.

“I hope you feel better.” Nicki knew that it would take a lot for her to feel better after this.


It’s been two weeks and Nicki has been avoiding Drake. She knew that she would eventually have to talk to him so she could get her things but she’s been postponing it as long as she could. “So are you gonna answer that?” Ceana motioned to her phone. Drake’s been calling and she thought that he would’ve given up by now.


“Nic you need your things. You’re an adult so show him that and be the bigger person. Grab your shit and you won’t have to see him again or maybe you could let him explain,” she suggested but Nicki glared at her.

“I’d rather get my shit,” she snapped. She looked down at her phone and answered it. “I want all of my stuff packed up. I’ll be over in two hours,” was all she said before hanging up. “I’m so over this shit.”

While Nicki was preparing herself, Drake was doing the same. He looked at her stuff and contemplated packing it up. He just wished that she‘d let him explain. Things are so complicated and fucked up. He decided to pack up her stuff and then try to get her to hear him out. She knocked on the door and he worked up the nerve to answer it. “Well?” She raised a brow.

“Just hear me out,” he pleaded.

“I want my stuff Drake. Don’t you have a wife to go home to?” She didn’t want to hear any excuses.

“No I don’t and you would realize that if you would just let me explain,” he sighed.

“You don’t have to explain. We’re not dating so it’s not me you’re cheating on.”

“Give me five minutes. Please Nic.” He rarely tried this hard for a girl but Nicki was different. He was really falling for her.

“Do you have my stuff or not?” She crossed her arms. He nodded slowly and grabbed the box. She grabbed it from him and turned around. “Oh I forgot something.” She turned around and put the box on the ground. She grabbed her keys from her purse and took off his before handing it to him. “Have a good life Aubrey. I wish you and your wife the best.” And with that she left with any courage left in her. She got back to her dorm and broke down.

“I knew this was more than a one-night stand.” Ceana shook her head at her cousin and then comforted her.

“I really fucking fell for him Cee. I knew I should’ve just let this be a one-night stand. I tried but he made it so hard,” she cried. “It’s gonna be okay.”


Surprisingly enough, Ceana was right because a few months later she was fine. She just graduated last weekend and couldn’t have been more proud of herself. She completely removed herself from Drake and moved on. “Onika, I invited Drake over so he could talk to you about your plans after college. He said there was a job available at his company,” Robert informed her.

“You what!?” Nicki choked on her drink shocked by her father’s words. She thought that she would never have to see him again.

“Is there something wrong Onika?” Carol gave her daughter a confused look. She knew music was her passion so she couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t take this opportunity.

“No there’s nothing wrong. I’m just surprised, that’s all.” Nicki brushed it off but she locked her eyes with Ceana. She gave her an apologetic look and Nicki sighed. “Will his wife be joining him?” Robert frowned slightly and thought for a minute.

“No she will not. They officially got a divorce while ago. I talked to him and he said they’ve been separated for a little over a year now but he brought her along to the dinner since I insisted,” he shrugged. Nicki sat there feeling like a ton of bricks had hit her.

“So you’re saying that they weren’t together the last time we saw him?” Ceana questioned for Nicki.

“No but he’s a damn good actor.” Robert chuckled as the doorbell rung. Nicki couldn’t even speak.

“I have to go to the bathroom.” She jumped up and ran to the bathroom. Drake on the other hand was greeting her father. He was a little nervous about seeing Nicki but he figured that she moved on and forgotten all about him. He sadly couldn’t forget about her. No matter how many girls, how many drinks, how many sleepless nights, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. That’s why he quickly agreed when Robert invited him over.

“Can I use the bathroom real quick?” He questioned.

“Yeah go on.” Robert motioned the hallway as he walked the opposite way. Drake walked through the hallway and bumped into someone.

“Shit,” he mumbled while grabbing her waist to keep her up. Nicki’s eyes went wide as she locked hers with Drake’s.

“Aubrey,” she said softly. He let his hands drop from his waist as he took in her appearance.

“Hey,” he nodded. There was an awkward silence between the two and Nicki knew that she had to apologize.

“I’m sorry,” she finally apologized.

“For what?” He scrunched up his eyebrows. He didn’t understand what she had to be sorry about.

“I should’ve heard you out. I was just all up in my emotions and I tend to push people away. I didn’t want to hear you out because I didn’t want an excuse to stay. You were supposed to be a one-night stand. You were supposed to be a fucking one-night stand!” She repeated with slight anger to her words.

“And so were you but we both know where that led.” He chuckled while looking at her.

“You’re such an asshole.” She let out a small smile.

“I forgot to give you something,” he told her. She looked at him confused as he pulled something from his pocket. Her eyes went wide when she saw the hot pink thong. She quickly snatched it from him and sent him a glare.

“You kept my thong Aubrey!?”

“I forgot it was there until you left. I was gonna give it back,” he said in his defense.

“I’ve missed you,” she sighed.

“I’ve missed your mean ass too.” He sent her a grin and she giggled. “Why don’t we start this over? My name is Aubrey and I’m not a fucking one-night stand,” he offered.

“What are you then?” She raised a brow.

“Lemme take you on a date and maybe I can be your man.” He walked closer to her and pulled her to him.

“Are you sure you can take me on a date? If you become my man then we’re gonna have some ground rules. I don’t give it up that quickly,” she warned him.

“You’ll make an exception for me right?” He moved his head and sucked on her spot.

“Shit Aubrey,” she moaned softly. Her eyes went wide when she realized where she was. “Aubrey!” She pushed him off of her. “We’re in my parent’s house,” she reminded him.

“I’d take you down anywhere,” he winked.

“Come here.” She grabbed his hand and leaned up to kiss him. He pulled her close but heard something. A throat cleared and they pulled apart. He looked up and was met by three pair of eyes. They all looked at the two and then their eyes flew down to the hot pink thong in Nicki’s hand. She quickly pushed it into her pocket while Drake tried to contain his laughter.

“What the hell is going on here?” Robert tried to control his anger but no dad wanted to walk in on something like that. She was still his little girl in his eyes.

“Why don’t we sit down at the table and talk okay?” Carol tried to calm Robert down. They somehow all got to the table but the silence was a killer.

“I um knew Aubrey before you introduced us,” Nicki admitted.

“Do I want to know how?” Robert eyed his daughter.

“We met at a club,” she responded bluntly.

“You went out to a club? Is that why you’re always late to class?”

“You’re late to class?” Carol narrowed her eyes on her.

“That was once and I haven’t been late since. I’m twenty-one Dad and I don’t really care what you think of this. I really like him,” she shrugged.

“Nah you like his dic-,” Ceana was about to finish but Nicki kicked her.

“You deflowered my baby girl?” Robert felt his anger grow as he stared at Drake. Nicki started coughing before letting out a slight chuckle.

“Deflowered? Dad if you thought I was a virgin then you’re sadly-,” she started but her mother cut her off.

“How about we start dinner?” She smiled tightly and got up from the table.

“I’ll help. I need a breather,” Robert mumbled as he walked after his wife.

“I’m gonna run to the bathroom,” Ceana said as she shot a wink at Nicki before leaving.

“That went better than I thought,” Nicki grinned.

“You’re kidding me right? I was so fucking nervous. Your dad probably wants to kill me now.” He shook his head.

“Oh shut up. You’re over exaggerating. He loves me and I lo,” she stopped herself from talking.

“Wow already talking about love? We only hooked up for a month Onika. Don’t you think it’s a little too soon?” Drake teased.

“Shut up! I did not say that,’’ she denied.

“It’s fine if you’re moving fast because I am too. I love you Onika,” he smiled at her.

“I love you too.” She never felt something like this and she’s glad that they reconnected. He pecked her lips before leaning his forehead against hers.

“You’re mine now.”

Just a random draft. I'll probably update something soon. What do y'all want updated?

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Short Story: Can You Take The Heat? {Part 1}

Drake felt someone shaking him and groaned. “What do you want Jacey?” He called out but didn’t open his eyes. He felt like he only got a few hours of sleep and he wasn’t trying to get up right now.

“Wake up Superstar it’s game day,” she told him and he shot up out of bed.

“First game of the season,” he smiled.

“And I’ll be rooting you on with our parents. You’re gonna beat their ass,” she raised her hand and he slapped it. “Who are you playing?”

“One of those rich schools, Greenhill Indians,” he shrugged.

“I can’t wait until you play Clearwater,” she perked up.

“I’on know why they’re our biggest rival. They suck but they don’t shut the fuck up. They always talk shit but we always kill them on the court. They just look down at us because of where we’re from. Fights always break out over there with their stupid captain Young,” he hated that school with a burning passion.

“When do you play them?” Jacey looked at Drake.

“Two games from now so we play them next week,” he nodded.

“You’ll kick their ass. I hate those spoiled brats too,” she mumbled as she left. Drake’s dad remarried when Drake was seven and Jacey was his stepsister. She’s a freshman while he is a junior so he sees her as a younger sister since they practically grew up together. He got up and went to get ready.

“You ready?” He looked around downstairs.

“Make me proud today son,” his dad came out of his study.

“Always,” he nodded as Jacey came out of the kitchen.

“Bye Daddy!” She hugged him and Drake dapped him up before they hopped in the car and headed to school.  “See you at your game!” She pecked his cheek and rushed out once he pulled up. Drake got out of his car and dapped up people he knew as he walked down the hallway.

“You ready for today Captain?” Jay appeared by his side.

“I’m ready to go through these schools so we can get to Clearwater. I want to shut them up once and for all,” he was determined.

“With Young as their captain it won’t be that hard,” Jay joked.


“Ms. Maraj.”

“Yes?” Alvira and Onika looked at their teacher.

“Nicki,” she clarified. Nicki looked at Vira and they shared a look.

“Yes?” They answered in unison again.

“This little game is getting annoying,” she gave them a stern look.

“It’s actually pretty entertaining,” Issay chuckled with a few other classmates. The bell rung and the twins shot up.

“Looks like we’ll have to talk next time,” Nicki smiled at the teacher and walked out of the room. “Check,” Nicki looked at Vira.

“And mate,” she dapped her up. Nicki eyed her boyfriend down the hallway and a smile made its way onto her face.

“You’re coming to the game right?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world sis.” They went their separate ways as Nicki walked up to Evan and he wrapped his arms around her.

“Hey baby,” he pecked her lips.

“Hey are you ready for the game?” She cocked a brow.

“I’ve been ready,” he hung his arm around her shoulder and they walked to their class.

“Aye Evan how does it feel to have your girlfriend kick your ass on the court?” Some random freshman asked.

“It makes me damn proud,” he kissed the side of her head. “You know I’m proud of you baby.” He made sure she remembered that every day.

“I mean being the only girl on the boy’s varsity basketball team is kind of a big deal,” she smirked. She always played basketball but was on the girl’s team. She was basically the team until the school canceled the girl’s team. Her coach talked to the coach of the boys team and he decided to let Nicki try out. He quickly put her on the team when she kicked the ass of every boy on the court.

“Just be prepared for Westlake they can get rough,” he warned her.

“I like it a little rough,” Nicki bit on her bottom lip and he shook his head with a laugh.


“Who’s ready to kick some ass!?” Drake yelled to his team as the bus drove them over to Clearwater. The guys broke out into cheers and Drake chuckled. They all knew that they were about to destroy Clearwater.

“I heard that they got a new player on the team,” Jay told them.

“So?” Eman looked at him weird.

“Clearwater won their last four games. They completely destroyed Hemlock. We barely won against Hemlock last season.” He was making some of the team nervous but Drake wasn’t nervous.

“I guess we’ll have to show this new guy who we are,” he was ready. They got to the school and as usual they felt awkward. Clearwater was filled with a bunch of rich kids while Westlake was filled with a bunch of kids from the ghetto. They got dressed in the locker room and discussed some of the plays they wanted to use in this game. Drake had an extra ten minutes so he decided to get something from the concession stand.

Nicki had the same idea as Drake and she leaned against the wall next to the stand. The line was long as hell.  She eyed this player from Westlake and smirked to herself. She wasn’t dressed yet so he probably didn’t know that she was on the team. He walked over to the stand and got in line behind her. She turned to looked at him.

“You wouldn’t happen to be the captain of Westlake would you?” She heard about him but wasn’t sure if he was who she thought he was.

“I guess I’m pretty well known,” he grinned.

“You’re definitely well known around here,” she nodded slowly. A lot of people in her school hated him and his entire school. Something always seems to pop off between the two schools no matter what event it was.

“You go here?”


“You don’t look like the rest of them,” he eyed her sweatpants and hoodie.

“And what exactly are we supposed to look like?” She raised a brow.

“I’on know I just never seen a girl from Clearwater dressed like that,” he shrugged. He didn’t mean it as an insult and he hoped it didn’t come off that way. He was relieved when she laughed.

“There are a lot of things that separate me from girls at my school.” She looked forward to seeing his face when she stepped out on the court.

“Oh yeah? Like what?” He questioned.

“You’ll see,” was all she said before she got to the stand. “Can I have four Gatorades and a bag of skittles?” She was getting drinks for some of the guys on the team. They were too lazy to walk out there themselves so they gave her the money.

“Thirsty much?” Drake had an amused look on his face. She paid and grabbed the stuff before facing Drake.

“Good luck on your game Graham. You’re gonna need all the luck in the world to beat Clearwater this season,” she flipped her hair over her shoulder and walked away. Drake stood there confused but figured that she was just some delusional girl who supported her school. Everyone knew that Westlake kills Clearwater every game.

“Drake get your ass in here!” He heard his coach yell. He paid for a drink and some candy before rushing over. He eyed the stands and all the seats were filled. He saw Jacey in the stands and she waved at him. He returned it and they got ready to run out.

“Make some noise for the away team the Westlake Hornets! Give it up for their starters; Jay Burns, Eman Wiley, Myles Dyer, Asher Smith, and their captain Drake Graham!” They ran out while the rest of the team went to put their stuff on the sidelines.

“Now make some noise for your home team the Clearwater Knights! Give it up for the starters; Logan Taylor, Josiah Moore, Isaiah Lewis, and Evan Young,” the announcer took a second to announce their captain.

“What the hell? Young ain’t their captain no more?” Jay looked at Drake but he was just as surprised. He’s been their captain since he was a freshman because he was that good. He was the one dragging his team along but now there was someone better.

“And your captain NICKI MARAJ!” The crowd erupted in loud cheers and Drake’s mouth dropped as he eyed the girl.

“What the hell? That’s a girl. Aye ref! Ain’t this a foul or something?” Myles walked over to him.

“Captains!” The other ref motioned for Drake and Nicki to meet him at the half court line. Drake met him there and Nicki walked over with a grin on her face. “Make sure this is a clean game given the history between the two teams,” he looked in between them.

“Maybe we should go easy considering you’re a girl and all,” Drake offered.

“You might wanna bring your all Graham because I’m gonna crush your ass,” she threatened. Drake found her attitude amusing.

"Shake hands.” Drake reached out and she gave him a firm handshake. Drake swore that he felt something but he could tell by her face that she didn’t or so he thought. Nicki felt something but paid it no mind because she was completely focused on killing this team.

“You really believe that you can crush my ass?”

“Just watch me,” she turned and walked back to her team. Drake walked back to his and Jay shook his head.

“This shit ain’t ever happen!” He grew frustrated. While they were freaking out, Nicki was laughing. She was used to this kind of reaction. One thing stuck out and she grew angry.

“A bitch can’t be captain.” Drake shook his head at Jay and Myles.

“Did you just call her a bitch?” Evan got up in his face.

“And if I did?” Drake snapped.

“Babe he’s not worth it,” Nicki pushed Evan back.

“Oh I get it the bitch is your girl,” he chuckled.

“Call her a bitch one more time,” Logan walked up to him. They heard the refs blowing their whistles.

“Break it up!”

“Just watch this bitch show you why I’m captain,” Nicki finally understood why they hated this school. She walked away and they warmed up until the buzzer went off.

“You ready?” Vira looked at her twin concerned.

“I’ve never been more determined in my life,” she nodded.

“Kick their ass Nic,” Issay told Nicki.

“Best believe I will,” she nodded and walked into the middle of the court. She was a lot shorter than the guys but she made up for that by the way she played ball.

“How tall are you baby girl? You probably ain’t reach 4’ll,” Drake joked and his team laughed.

“I’m 5’2 nigga,” she snapped.

“She got a mouth on her,” Jay chuckled.

“Can we start so I can shut them up?” She turned to the ref. He nodded and blew his whistle. He tossed the ball in the air and Evan jumped and tipped the ball towards Nicki. She took off and shot a layup. “Can this bitch ball now?” She eyed the Hornets as they all stared at her in shock. Nicki was only getting started because twenty seconds left in second quarter the score was 50-25. Nicki shot a three pointer as she heard the buzzer. She ran into the locker room with her team as they dapped her up. It took them a while to get used to having a girl on their team but they got used to her because she could ball. That’s why everyone voted for her as captain, even Evan voted for her.

“What the hell was that out there!?” Drake’s coach yelled at them.

“The bitch is good,” Jay mumbled.

“We can’t have Clearwater beat us!” He continued to yell. Drake sighed because he didn’t think that she would be that good.

“She’s kicking our ass,” Myles groaned.

“And she’s fine as hell,” Eman smirked. Drake slapped him in the back of his head.

“Focus,” he reminded him.

“I was focused on her ass,” he dapped up Asher.

“She does have a good ass,” Myles nodded.

“Drake talk some sense into your team because if y’all lose, suicides all practice long tomorrow,” Coach snapped.

“But we don’t have practice this Saturday,” Myles scrunched up his face.

“If you let this girl beat you then y’all will have practice on every fucking Saturday!” He threatened before walking out.

“We need to focus on the game. Find her weakness,” Drake tried to think of something that she did.

“She don’t got any,” Asher shook his head.

“She’s amazing,” Eman couldn’t even deny that.

“I eyed her legs when she was shooting,” Jay spoke up and all the guys looked at him like he was crazy. He let out a huff and rolled his eyes at them. “She shoots off of her right leg. She leads with her right and avoids her left leg at everything. I think she got a knee problem from what I saw,” he explained.

“When did you have time to figure all of that out?”

“She was kicking our ass so I tried to focus on her instead of the game,” he shrugged.

“Foul her!” Myles popped up.

“What good will that do?”

“Someone foul her and make sure you knock her hard. She won’t be able to play if she hits her knee hard enough,” he elaborated a little.

“So we’re playing dirty? I’m down with it,” Drake nodded. “Hornets on three….1…2….3 Hornets!” They chanted before filing out of the locker room. They walked out and saw Clearwater just shooting around. Drake looked in the stands and saw Nicki talking to two girls. She hugged one and that’s when all of the guys noticed.

“A girl that fine has a twin!?” Asher’s eyes went wide.

“I’m done nigga,” Eman shook his head.

“Let’s just start the game.” They started the second half and Jay nodded at Drake to do it. Drake knocked her hard and stole the ball. He made the shot and the team patted him on the back but he noticed that the Knights weren’t on the court. They turned and saw Nicki still on the floor holding her knee.

“Time out,” the ref said. They walked on the sideline and watched Nicki. She looked in a lot of pain and that made Drake feel bad.

“You asshole!” He felt a girl push him hard. He looked at her and thought it was Nicki for a second but realized it was her twin.

“She said she was tough enough to be on a boy’s team,” he shrugged.

“She has knee problems and I promise you if you blew out her knee I’ll kill you. I will murder your ass so I dare you to try me,” Vira spoke in all seriousness. She will kill him if he ruined Nicki’s chances to play basketball. She walked back to Nicki and they helped her up and brought her in the locker room. They sent a sub in for Nicki and returned to the game. Drake was sorta relieved because he was schoolin’ this team again.

“Shit it hurts,” Nicki groaned as the nurse tried to bend it.

“I think you should take a couple of weeks off from basketball,” she told her.

“No just pass me my brace,” she pointed to it. The nurse handed it to her but was still concerned.

“Nicki you did this back when you were on the girl’s team and that’s how this whole knee problem started,” she reminded her.

“I’m not letting those assholes win,” she stood up and ignored the pain. When she walked out everyone from her school clapped for her. Even some people from Westlake clapped for her. No one thought she would be back on the court after taking a fall like that but they didn’t know her determination. “Sub me in,” she told her coach.

“You sure?” She nodded and waited. The ref blew his whistle and she took Jeffrey’s spot. Drake looked at her in shock because she fell really hard. The score was now 66-59 with Clearwater in the lead but Westlake caught up fast. Nicki ignored the stares from the other team and got in position. She started again and killed Westlake. The game ended 99-68. Nicki grabbed the ball and walked up to Drake.

“If you have to result in playing dirty to beat me then you must be pretty damn desperate. If I ever play you again then I promise that I will beat your ass worse than this. Learn a lesson from this game; a bitch can be captain,” she shoved the ball at him and left. He sighed and knew that he was wrong for doing that to her.

“Why did you push that girl down!?” Jacey pushed him. She’s never seen her brother act that way on the court. She knew that he was intimidated by the girl but that was uncalled for.

“It was a stupid team decision,” he shrugged it off. Their parents already left but Jacey stayed as he got dressed. They walked towards his car and he saw Nicki leaned up against the school with her phone in her hand. He noticed some tears fall down her face as she straighten out her knee. He contemplating going over there or not and decided to go over. “Wait in the car,” he tossed Jacey the keys before walking over to her. She already slid her phone back into her pocket and eyed him. “Hey are you alright?” She let out a dry chuckle and thought that this nigga was a good actor.

“Look Westlake asshole I don’t know you and you don’t know a fucking thing about me. Stay out of my way and I’ll gladly stay out of yours,” she glared at him.

“Why do you always gotta be a bitch?” He was trying to help but she was just snapping at him.

Always? Nigga you’ve only known me for two seconds and you’re telling me that I’m always like this?” She shook her head.

“This is why we don’t fuck with your school. Y’all are just some bitches with money,” he always hated this school.

“Bitches with money,” she nodded her head slowly. “And you’re school is filled with ghetto people and crack heads. So what does that make you? I’d say a mix in between the two. You keep fronting like you’re this thug who can beat someone’s ass. I know real thugs and your ass surely ain’t one,” she looked him up and down in disgust.

“Little rich bitch knows thugs? I’ll believe it when I see it,” he knew that she was lying.

“Call me a bitch one more time. I dare your ass to try me,” she straightened up.

“There goes the bitch with a temper,” he chuckled but quickly groaned. Nicki straightened out her good knee and smirked at him as he held his crotch in pain.

“Who’s really the bitch?” She flipped her hair and walked off. Vira pulled up the car and she hopped in.

“I like her,” Jacey said after Drake got in the car.

“Shut the hell up,” he started the car and pulled out.

“No I like her. She can kick your ass in basketball, smart talking, and literally. She knows how to put you in your place. I don’t know why you kept calling her a bitch. You don’t know her,” she said.

“Every girl is a bitch,” he mumbled.

“So I’m a bitch?” She crossed her arms.

 “You don’t count Jace,” he shrugged her off.

“See there’s your problem. You treat females who aren’t related to you with zero respect. You act like all girls are just some hoes wanting dick from you,” she hated that side of her brother.

“Most of them are.”

“Most aren’t all girls. That girl on the team obviously worked hard to be that good of a player. You hurt her and I heard that she already had knee problems. That was a bitch ass move and you’re the one calling her a bitch.”

Nicki sat in the car pissed as hell. “I swear I’m going to kill him,” she couldn’t stand a bone in his body.

“I’ll be right behind you twin. He’s a jealous asshole. He’s the type of guy who doesn’t want a girl to beat him in anything,” she added in.

“We’re the first school to beat Westlake in years. They’ve been state champs for years. I’ll assure you that I’ll be taking that title by the end of this season. The next time I see him will be when I show him what a bitch can really do.”


Nicki rolled her neck and put her headphones in. Today was State Champions and it was Clearwater vs. Westlake. Everyone was waiting for this game and so was Nicki. She was ready for that Westlake asshole. She just wondered around outside for a minute. She wanted to clear her head and prepare for the game. She felt someone tap her shoulder and she quickly turned around. “Nigga don’t be sneaking up on people,” she snapped as she took her headphones out.

“You really have a mouth on you,” he chuckled.

“What do you want Westlake asshole?” She crossed her arms.

“Westlake asshole, I guess I deserve that. I just wanted to apologize for the last game. That was wrong of me and I’m sorry for calling you a bitch,” he apologized. She eyed him noticing his demeanor.

“Trying to get inside my head huh?”

“I ain’t gonna lie,” he shrugged.

“Play a clean game and maybe I’ll take it easy on you,” she walked past him. She turned around and thought for a minute. “Nah I think I’ll kill you even more than last time. I want to show you which bitch not to mess with. Get ready to lose your state title Graham,” and with that she walked away. Drake shook his head and ruled her off as a stuck up bitch.

“Did you apologize?” Jacey asked him as soon as he walked back inside.

“Yeah and the bitch still acted the same.” He needed to focus on this game to make sure that they come out on top. He was not about to let a bitch take that title away from him. Both players were in their game mode up until the point where they all met on the court.

“Captains!” The ref motioned for them. Nicki met Drake at the half court line. “Let’s make this a clean game,” he looked between the two. They were holding an intense stare down.

“Did you hear that Graham? Make sure it’s a clean game,” Nicki cut her eyes at him.

“I don’t need to play dirty to take home that trophy.”

“Shake hands.” Nicki looked at Drake and scrunched up her face.

“No thanks.”

“Can’t shake a hand? Spoiled stuck up bit-,” he started but she cut him off.

“Finish the sentence I dare you,” she gave him a warning look.

“Just shake hands!” Drake held out his hand and Nicki sucked it up as she placed her hand in his. They both felt another shock like last time causing Nicki to pull her hand away quickly. She looked back up into his eyes and he stared at her trying to figure out what that was. Nicki slowly let out a smirk.

“Game on Westlake asshole.” Drake stepped up his game and didn’t underestimate her in the first quarter. It just seemed like the two were going back and forth with shot after shot. There was twenty seconds left on the clock and the score was tied 116-116. Drake had the ball and Clearwater did a full-court press on them. Nicki kept her eyes trained on Drake as he tried to move past her. He looked at her and noticed the fire in her eyes. He knew that there was more behind her determination but before he could think, she stole the ball. She rushed to the hoop and shot a three pointer just as the buzzer went off. Her team immediately attacked her and lifted her up.

“For the first time in years Clearwater takes home the trophy!” The announcer shouted into the mic. Drake mentally cursed himself because he was so wrapped up in her eyes.

“Man this is bullshit,” Myles muttered.

“The bitch better be gone next season,” Jay shook his head. His team went into the locker room to change then they headed to the busses.

“Hey Westlake asshole!” He heard her call behind him. He turned and she walked up to him. He prepared himself to be cursed out but was shocked when she extended her hand. “Good game.” He shook her hand and let out a small smile.

“I’m coming for you next season,” he warned her.

“I’ll be waiting,” she smirked before going back over to her team.

“Damn she got a big ass,” Eman stared beside Drake. He finally let his eyes trail down to her ass and was shocked.

“Damn,” he mumbled.

“Hopefully you go blind by next season so you won’t be distracted,” Asher laughed. Drake knew that as long as she was on the court he would have a hard time focusing next season.

I completely rewrote this story but kept the name and some of the basic concept. It was just sitting around in my drafts so I posted it.